When seeking out a Reiki practitioner it's important to first understand why to choose Reiki as a health care approach. There are a variety of health care approaches available to choose from varying from emergency need, to illness prevention, and to everyday health maintenance.
Reiki is an energy therapy technique. One of Reiki's primary benefits is that it promotes relaxation. Experiencing a state of relaxation encourages healing on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. This is why Reiki is best utilized as a regular wellness practice and/or as a complementary care option. (For example, used together with conventional medical care to improve recovery time). Kim does not promote nor recommend that Reiki be utilized in-place-of professional medical care; nor to delay seeking out professional medical care.
Reiki originated in Japan and is a method of restoring balance to one's vital life force energy. Click the following link to learn more about The History of Reiki.
When seeking out a suitable Reiki practitioner, honor your personal preferences and be encouraged to be the authority of your choices. Listen to your intuition about which Reiki practitioner feels correct for your energetic needs. Take a moment to connect from within and wait to receive a clear "YES" or "NO". If the answer is uncertain or inconclusive, be patient and allow yourself more time to arrive to a clear understanding.​​
Things To Consider When Choosing A Reiki Practitioner
Trust Your Intuition
Your personal Preference
Convenience and practicality
Hours of operation
Types of service
Cost of Service
frequency of sessions
Free Reiki opportunities
Training and experience
Perfessional conduct
Consider Your Personal Preferences & Intuition
Practice your freedom to choose! You'll know when you've found a suitable Reiki practitioner when you can completely relax and immerse yourself in the process, thus enhancing the healing experience.
It may be necessary for you to try out a few different Reiki practitioners before determining which you like best. You may even find that you like several practitioners, which will allow you to choose who to go to for your specific needs.
Gather information from a variety of resources to help you make your decision. See if client testimonials are available for you to read about personal stories, experiences, and results from others who have received Reiki from the practitioner.
Be encouraged to find a Reiki practitioner that suits you well. Before scheduling an appointment communicate any needs you may have upfront. This is true for all health care professionals and services you choose.
Consider Convenience & Practicality
Location: Consider if you want to experience an in-person or distant Reiki session. If you want to have an in-person Reiki session determine how near or far you are willing to travel. Some Reiki practitioners may even travel to your home or office. If you want to experience distant Reiki you open up the option to find a Reiki practitioner anywhere in the world who is suitable for you.
Hours of Operation: Check to see if the available appointment times are compatible with your schedule and/or preferences. Also consider the time-of-day that is best for you to be able to relax. For distant Reiki be sure to double check the time zone to know if you need to convert time differences. Time Zone Converter.
Type of Services: Often times Reiki is paired with other modalities. This is because Reiki often has the effect of heightening one's perceptions and awakening one to developing their intuitive gifts. Be sure to ask questions about services to select a service that honors your personal authority and is aligned with what you are comfortable receiving.
Cost of Services: Everyone places their own value on products and services. Check to see if the Reiki services and fees are clearly defined and if you consider them reasonable for you. It may be helpful to check out the general cost of Reiki fees in your surrounding area and the cost of other non-conventional health care approaches such as massage, as massage is typically similar in price.
Communication: Make sure you are able to contact the Reiki practitioner by phone and/or email. See if the Reiki practitioner responds to your phone calls or emails in a timely, considerate, and efficient manner.
Frequency of Reiki Sessions: Depending on your reason(s) for seeking Reiki, you may or may not want to follow a recommended visit frequency. If it's something that is important to you be sure to discuss it with the Reiki practitioner. If you are seeking to receive Reiki treatments alongside conventional medical care; such as chemotherapy for example, you may want to consider scheduling your Reiki sessions well in advance to be sure they can coincide with your medical treatment(s).
Free Reiki Opportunities: Often times Reiki practitioners offer a "Reiki Share" or "Reiki Circle". These are community events that allow people to give and receive Reiki for free or at a minimum fee. Free events can be a great opportunity for you to receive Reiki and seek out a suitable Reiki practitioner.
Consider The Reiki Practitioner's Training & Experience
There are generally 3 degrees of Reiki training and additional opportunities to pursue advanced trainings and refinements.
Each level of Reiki training is focused on an "attunement" consisting of spiritual expansion and empowerment, education, and practice. The attunement is what makes Reiki unique from other forms of energy healing. During an attunement, the ability to channel Reiki energy is transferred to the student by the Reiki Master Teacher. The Reiki attunement opens up the student's energy chakras and creates a special link between the student and the source of Reiki energy. (With Holy Fire® Reiki the attunement has evolved into "Placements" and "Ignitions" which accomplish the same ability as an attunement only with improved results as the teacher is removed from the transfer of energy, allowing the student to be directed connected to the source of Reiki). Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.
First Degree Reiki is available for anyone to learn and is the initiation into Reiki energy. In first degree Reiki (Reiki I) there is an emphasis on both the HISTORY OF REIKI and practicing Reiki on oneself, family, and friends.
Second Degree Reiki is available to anyone who has receive First Degree Reiki. Second degree Reiki (Reiki II) activates a deepening and expansion of the practitioner's Reiki energy channel. In some traditions symbols are included with the attunement which adds to the strength and quality of the Reiki energy. The Reiki II attunement allows the practitioner to be able to provide Reiki distantly to others anywhere in the world.
It is recommended that a Reiki II practitioner practice and allow 6 months of Reiki experience before pursuing
third degree Reiki, which is Reiki Master.
Third Degree Reiki or Reiki Master trains and prepares Reiki II practitioners on how to give Reiki attunements to Reiki I & II students. (Or in Holy Fire® Reiki to give Placements and Ignitions). The Reiki Master attunement also activates increased healing energies, symbols, and skills to develop and refine their Reiki channel. It is believed that the process of becoming a Reiki Mater is not a process in which one masters Reiki, but a process in which one allows Reiki to master them.
Depending on what a Reiki Master feels guided to do, they may choose to focus more on Reiki teaching and instruction or on the practice of Reiki; or even a combination of both.
Overall, Reiki is a healing art. Quality Reiki energy is channeled through Reiki practitioners who integrate Reiki as a daily lifestyle, self-care practice, and regularly offer it to others through practice or teaching. You will know that you have found a quality Reiki practitioner when they regularly strive to develop and refine their Reiki abilities.
In addition to training and experience, some Reiki practitioners are natural healers who have spiritual gifts such as being innately ethical, kind, supportive, accepting, insightful, empathetic, intuitive, and/or are tuned into their 'clair' senses and abilities such as clairvoyance.
Consider The Reiki Practitioner's Personal Skills & Professional Conduct