Q: What can I do to enhance my Reiki treatment?
A Reiki treatment is effective on its own; however some people may enjoy the opportunity to incorporate additional self-care practices to enhance their experience. The following suggestions are intended to support one's health and well-being and should not be interpreted as medical advice nor to delay seeking out medical or psychological care.
Let these suggestions inspire your own ideas on how to best tend to your needs and practice self-care.
Suggestions For Before & After A Reiki Session:
Walk in nature.
Listen to your favorite music.
Explore your creative expression.
Light a candle.
Rest or take a nap.
Read uplifting content.
Take a shower, bath, or swim.
Create a list of gratitudes.
Focus on affirmations that are authentic to you.
Eat whole nutritious plant-based foods.
Drink water, lemon water, or herbal tea.
Exercise according to your available energy and needs.
Participate in your religious practice.
Use crystals.
Use essential oils.
Smudge with sage or burn incense.
Connect with the phases of the moon.
Let yourself be curious about your feelings and emotions instead of suppressing them.
Schedule a session with your therapist, coach, or other support system.
Suggestions For During A Reiki Session:
Close your eyes.
Give yourself permission to relax.
Let your breath deepen to center yourself.
Be open to the sensations you may experience.
Let go of expectations and be present in the moment.
Express anything that you need to share with the Reiki practitioner.
Let yourself feel emotions.
Let yourself cry if you need to.
Let yourself fall asleep if needed, the Reiki will be just as effective as if you are awake.